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Movie Theater

Our movie schedule varies and includes award-winning, animated feature films, in addition to our educational offerings.

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Maker Space

Tools of the Season

September - November: Fiber Art
December - February: Carving
March-May: Electronics
June- August: Making Things Move

Cost/ Structure: Free with admission. “Drop in” style workshop.


Fridays, 2pm - 5pm

Saturdays and Sundays, 11am - 4pm

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Rocket Park Mini Golf

Rocket Park Mini Golf reveals that the same laws of motion and gravity that guide the path of a spaceship control the motion of golf balls here on Earth. In this nine-hole miniature golf course, players will explore key science concepts such as propulsion, gravity, escape velocity, launch window, gravitational assist, and more.

Recommended for ages 6 and older.

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Daily Demos

NYSCI Explainers showcase science and engineering based activities and demonstrations engaging with the properties of chemistry, physics, design thinking, and more right before your eyes in these interactive presentations.

Come check out visitor favorites like Cool Chemistry, Flight, and the Air Cannon. Engaging explanations combine with audience participation to make live STEM presentations an enjoyable learning experience for all.


Wednesdays- Fridays: 10:15 am, 11 am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm

Saturdays, Sundays, & Holidays: 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4:30 pm

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Playground 2024
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Science Playground

Far from your average jungle gym, our playground is where science and fun collide.