Statement from The New York Hall of Science on COVID-19
The New York Hall of Science to Temporarily Close Beginning March 14
March 13, 2020 (Updated on April 19) – Over the last weeks, we have been closely monitoring the evolving situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and following the lead of our elected officials and public health experts. To help limit the spread of COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) to the public beginning March 14, in accordance with the “New York State on PAUSE” executive order. We will continue to provide updates on the situation as it develops.
As of this writing, we have NOT heard that any team member or recent visitor has been diagnosed with COVID-19, and we do not have any reason to believe there has been an exposure risk at the museum, or from any visitor or team member.
Scientists and researchers are vital in the fight to control the spread of this disease. NYSCI has an important role to play in nurturing the next generation of scientists and researchers. Therefore, our staff will continue this work behind-the-scenes during the closure.
Knowledge and understanding helps make the unfamiliar less frightening in moments like this. To that end, we have developed learning materials focused on viruses and disease transmission that help people understand the science behind these topics. In response to the current pandemic, our staff rapidly created an exhibition about viruses and COVID-19 and made it freely available to science centers around the world to help them provide accurate, helpful information to their audiences during this time.
In addition, our interactive online graphic novel for middle school students, Transmissions: Gone Viral, is available to view free on our website. The graphic novel explores the subject of zoonotic diseases – diseases like COVID-19 – that can be spread from animals to humans. We encourage teachers, parents and caregivers to use Transmissions: Gone Viral to create a science learning moment out of the current situation. We have also uploaded more at-home activities for all grade levels on our NYSCI At Home Resources page.
As always, the health and safety of our visitors and employees is our highest priority. We encourage everyone to be careful, follow guidelines regarding hygiene and social distancing that will help protect you and those around you, and be kind and supportive to each other. As Americans, and New Yorkers, let’s continue to demonstrate to the world the collective strength we possess when we are united in our purpose.
We look forward to providing opportunities for science learning at the museum again very soon.
Margaret Honey
President & CEO, New York Hall of Science