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Computational Thinking at NYSCI

Explore NYSCI’s collection of Computational Thinking resources, including lesson plans, training videos, and strategy guides, designed to enhance educators' understanding and comfort in building crucial skills in problem-solving and tackling complex challenges.

What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking (CT) is a problem solving strategy that is derived from computer science but is also applicable in any subject area. This strategy includes several core constructs and can benefit students of all grades and abilities in many ways, especially around tackling complex challenges with or without technology.

CT Strategy Guide
CT Strategy Guide

This Computational Thinking School Strategy Guide provides information and several resources on how K-8th grade teachers can integrate the core constructs of computational thinking into their classroom curriculum. Our approach focuses on engaging students in practices of higher order thinking, metacognition and problem solving skills that set them up for success across curricula as well as prepare them with decision making skills for life beyond the classroom walls.

Updated Guide coming soon...

CT Strategy Guide
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CT Sample Lessons and Support Videos

In an effort to provide additional support for teachers during their early stages of Computational Thinking integration, here are some sample CT lessons that can be used or modified for the classroom.

NYSCI CT Professional Development and Coaching

The New York Hall of Science offers professional learning opportunities for teachers that provide training and support on computational thinking. Professional learning opportunities range from a one-day workshop for foundational computational thinking training to yearlong intermediate computational thinking coaching programs for extensive training and lesson modeling within the school environment.


Computational Thinking Introductory Course

During this 6-hour workshop, participants learn the definition and fundamentals of Computational Thinking through lesson modeling and reflection of several unplugged activities. Participants will also receive training on how to use specific NYSCI developed tools that can help them brainstorm and monitor the progress of their own CT unplugged lesson.

Computational Thinking Unplugged Lesson Writing

During this 6-hour workshop, teachers will collaborate to design and share a Computational Thinking Unplugged lesson draft based on a grade appropriate lesson goal provided by a NYSCI instructor. Teachers will have the opportunity to have more individualized consultation sessions to address any specific needs or challenges with the audience they serve.

Computational Thinking Technology Introductory Course

During this 6-hour workshop, teachers will engage in a CT plugged based lesson while learning best practices for when and how to use tech in the classroom. Teachers will then be introduced and trained on how to use a grade appropriate tech tool through a design challenge activity.

Computational Thinking Plugged Lesson Writing

During this 6-hour workshop, teachers will collaborate to design and share a Computational Thinking Plugged lesson draft based on a grade appropriate tech tool and lesson goal provided by a NYSCI instructor. Teachers will have the opportunity to have more individualized consultation sessions to address any specific needs or challenges with the audience they serve.

Computational Thinking Coaching

In this school year long coaching model, NYSCI staff will work with school leaders to customize professional learning objectives and experiences for a cohort of teachers within your school. Through a combination of group workshops, individual coaching sessions, and classroom lesson modeling, teachers receive training and support to ensure CT integration meets the specific needs of their own unique classrooms.

For more information on these professional development programs, contact Anthony Negron, Director of Digital Programming at